Sunday, 22 July 2012

First Face Design... On Myself

Next I wanted to try something different, something on my face and a design to try out different movements of the brush, finer lines with swirls and also the application of the white paint on a dark base. 

First Attempt at Animal Print

My intention while being in Ibiza was to practice and get some work in Face and Body Painting.. On arrival, I got to work and started practicing on myself and friends to create a portfolio of my work.  

I was already aware of the Zoo nights so my first designs were going to be animal prints, from zebra to giraffe.  Using the original colours, new bright colours, adding glitter and even neon colours.

Here is my first leg design using a multicoloured background:

Popular Night in Ibiza for Body Painting

The Abandoned Zoo in Ibiza

Gala Nights was once a Zoo, at least according to Ibiza legend. It was in fact for many years a place where 18 to 30’s holidaymakers united for activities. Then a few years ago promoters came up with the idea of throwing parties there. What sounds better than raving in an old zoo

The formula has proved popular and with the natural separation between arenas where animals once roamed and a maze of paths letting to the venue you in effect get a great outdoor space perfect for a party. The fact is it’s one of the only places you can enjoy music outdoors in Ibiza and the island is all the better for it. There is an indoor space where music continues throughout the night but the main action is in the afternoon.

Gala Night is located just outside San Antonio in the Benimussa Hills and naturally popular with Brits. Parties are held throughout the season, with Saturday being the most popular for The Zoo Project where you can expect clubbers to dress with the animal theme in mind.  >Link

Wednesday Nights at the Zoo:

Saturday Nights at the Zoo:

My Inspiraton!!

My first steps of face painting were via video tutorials on You Tube that other painters had posted.  Its FREE and I personally found it the best way for me to learn; by visual clips. 

Winter Butterfly You Tube Clip

I watched a few videos by Ashlee who I later found out works at Mimicks Face Painting in Southampton.  I then took a look at their website and bought my first set of paints to take on my trip to Ibiza.

I found them very professional and helpful and just love their work which has given me inspiration to persue my creativity! They offer training courses which im now hoping to attend later this year.  

Here is the link to their site if you want to take a look. 


Welcome to my new blog on Face and Body Painting!!

I have recently found a new love for painting, since my trip to Ibiza this year.  I have always been a creative person and enjoyed experimenting with bright colours and designs.  I love patterns, neon colours and animal prints which has become my speciality.  I have an eye for detail and enjoy looking at a person and creating a design to suit their style.  I have been fortunate to experience Body Painting in Ibiza for two months this year, which has given me some great inspiration and ideas which I am now going to persue back home.  I am self taught am hoping to gain further knowledge and skills from courses and one day aim to have my own business.  

But first of all more practice, research, experiance at events and creation of a portfolio!!